The White Russian Cocktail

The White Russian Cocktail.
White Russian is a cocktail that was created by adding cream to a Black Russian.
(Disclaimer: If you live in the United States, you must be 21 years of age or order to buy or drink alcohol)
According to the International Bartender’s Association (IBF), the Black Russian is a drink that incorporates five parts Vodka and two parts Coffee Liquor. In contrast, the White Russian adds some cream on top. Similarly, both drinks are served in Old Fashioned Glasses.
Like other drinks, such as the Cosmopolitan, the White Russian cocktail also got it’s fame from tv/film. In the case of the White Russian, the drink was made famous by the comedy film, The Big Lebowski.
Anyway, this drink if strong, but absolutely delicious. You get that kick from the vodka. Then, you get that coffee flavor from the coffee liquor. Lastly, the cream makes it taste like a cafe au lait. I almost want to add some whipped cream on top! This is definitely a great drink for a coffee lover, like myself.
If you love coffee flavored cocktails, then you’ll also enjoy these delicious drinks:
- Espresso Martini
- Irish Cream Coffee
- Affogato Coffee with Amaretto
- Chocolate Amaretto Coffee
- Amaretto Cream Coffee
Russian or not?
While both the White Russian and the Black Russian contain the word “Russian,” neither of the cocktails were actually invented in Russia. As a matter of fact, the name “Russian” referred to the primary ingredient, Vodka, which originated in Russia. Good to know, right?
In fact, the drink was said to be invented in Belgium, in honor of a US Ambassador. Don’t you just love bits of information you can impress your friends with when ordering a drink?
The White Russian is considered an after dinner drink. This classy cocktail is meant to be sipped slowly and savored.
Coffee Liquor
Coffee liquors actually infuse coffee into the alcohol. Two of my favorite brands are Kahlua and Tia Maria.
How to make a White Russian cocktail:
Take an Old Fashioned Glass. The Old Fashioned Glass looks like a regular glass but is thicker and is often beveled on the outside. You are meant to pour and stir the drink directly in the glass.
First, pour the Vodka in your Old Fashioned Glass.
Next, stir in the coffee liquor. This drink is stirred, not shaken.
Finally, cap off your drink with some heavy cream. At this point, you can stir gently if you like.
Cheers! Enjoy responsibly!

The White Russian Cocktail.

White Russian Cocktail
- 5 Parts Vodka
- 2 Parts Coffee Liquor (I like Kahlua and Tia Maria)
- 2 Parts Heavy Cream
Pour the Vodka in your Old Fashioned Glass.
Stir in the coffee liquor. This drink is stirred, not shaken.
Cap off your drink with some heavy cream. You can stir gently if you like.
Recipe Notes
Serve the drink in an Old Fashioned Glass.